Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Purpose of this Prayer Wall!!!!!!!!

Hey guys!!! Thanks for following my blog!!!! But really I would like ya'll to pray for my friend and other families around the world who are adopting a child right this very instant!!!

Hey you think well cool they are getting another family member in their life but it means so much more if you think about it!!! Adopting a child like from China is a whole lot of work but it pays off in the end!! I don't know much about adopting a child but I heard it was kinda hard!! You have to spend a lot of money getting the child you want, then you have to debate on a name,and then you have to go pick the child up from the country or wherever he/she came and miss school or work. Also the child might be scared so you have to make her feel at home. But that is all worth having a new member in the family!My friend Abby left Friday for a two week trip to China to pick up a baby girl from China!!! Yep thats right they adopted a baby girl that just turned two!!! When I found out two years ago they were going to adopt a girl from China I was like cool but now it is like AWESOME because she gets to go to China but is also means so much more!!! Think about it her family is saving this little girl!!! As you know China is a communist country and they can only have two kids per family. So the other children are sent to be adopted. So they have no idea who their parents are or where they came from. So my best friend and her family saved a little girl!! She gets to have a family and she gets to learn about God are heavenly creator and Jesus Christ who came to die for our sins (John 3:16). Anyways I made this blog so people around the country can post prayers not only for my friend but also for other people who are adopting a child everyday!!! They need our prayers because it is a long and diffcult process. But just remember they are saving a child everyday!!!! You can use this blog to post prayers, life stories, and other experiences. Also if you would like to see how my friend is and how her experiences are in China visit!! She would love to hear from you!!!
Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :0



Heidi said...

Hey Kimbo! Follow my blog at

Kimbo said...

Sorry been busy!!!
I will start I didn't know if you wanted me to!!!
Hey do you just love your baby sister???

Heidi said...

Yes! Follow my mom's blog at

Abby =) said...

this is such a great idea!
you are so sweet!
i love the name, purpose, and message!
ahhh!! i love everything about it!
you are so creative;
i will check this regularly.
just know from the phelps family, you can support us by praying for us while we're on our trip..
we still have one week until we arrive back home!
thanks for all that you do!
again, this is such a good idea!

Kimbo said...

Thanks ya'll!!!! I will always pray for you everyday until you get home!!!
I am counting down!!!!
Oh and Heidi I will start following your moms!!!!
Thanks for showing me that!!!
I love you always!!!!
Be careful!!!!
Talk to you later!!!
Thanks again!!!


agw said...

Hey guys!
Abby and her family are like a second family to me in many ways! I have pretty much known them my whole life!Abby is my best friend and i would love for everyone to help me pray for them! I miss them and i am praying for them! i can't wait to see them and meet "my new lil sister!"
Love ya!
The other Abby